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Sash Horn Options

Sash Horn Options

Sash horns are aptly named decorative mouldings that add character to the edges of sash windows. They come in a wide variety of styles and are fitted to both upper and lower sash units.

All our sash windows come with our standard sash horns, but you do have the option to request that your sash windows come without sash horns at no additional cost, or you can upgrade to one of a number of sash horn style options that we offer.

SashLine are experts in replacement and conservation area windows, therefore, should you require a bespoke sash horn for your windows to match the others in your property, simply mention this in your order or contact us directly so we can work with you to create the ideal sash window solution.

If you have any questions about our sash horn options, either call us on 0203 409 6789 or email us your request.

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