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Glazing Options

Glazing Options

At SashLine, our standard windows and doors come with laminated double-glazed safety glass to ensure that they are tough on security and noise insulation, and energy efficient to keep heating bills down.

However, because we manufacture windows and doors to your needs and specifications you can choose from these options as well:

  • Triple glazing
  • Acoustic glass
  • Frosted/obscured glass
  • Single glazing
  • Glazing bars
Triple Glazing

For greater noise or thermal insulation, for those who feel the cold, or in busy traffic areas, we have a triple glazing upgrade option.

Acoustic Glass

For rooms or homes where even more sound insulation is required, there’s our acoustic glass upgrade option. Denser glass acts as an effective noise barrier.

Frosted and Obscured Glass

Whether for aesthetics or for privacy, frosted or obscured glass is an option on all of our units, for bathrooms, for kitchen, or wherever you need it.

Single Glazing

If your property is in a conservation area where authorities insist on single glazing, or if you have another reason for replacing new for old in this way, we can accommodate your needs.

Glazing bars

To add a touch of character to your windows or doors ask about upgrading to our traditional or contemporary-style glazing bar option.

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